Planning my Instagram

So, recently I started an Instagram account for my art! It's been a really great source of inspiration and, of course, it allows my art to be seen by more people. I put a little planning ito this as I still haven't found a scheduling app/service that works for me. So here's how I manually plan my feed!

I generally photograph all my work and processes and I put these in a folder. I can then look at these images and group them by project, series, technique etc. I then use Layout (an app associated with Instagram) to organize these photographs into a grid that can be visually followed. I'm quite new to this but let me know if it 'makes sense' to you!

A 9 day plan

A 9 day plan

Im trying to introduce some variety to my feed as I think that only 'final' pieces make the feed a little monotonous. It also gives my followers a chance to understand my art and my thought processes as I create. Currently, I post: finals, displays, details, workbook pages, and experimental pieces. 



I also use Layout to create a composition of details or works so I can compare or display them together.  



To create the "display" photos, I use a web-app called Wall Art. It's pretty limited as you only have a few situations to choose from and you simply place your painting. But for now, its working quite well!  


I would love some suggestions 'cause I really have no idea what I'm doing! And if you have any scheduling apps/services, please comment them below! 


First Attempts at Digital Art

After moving, its been really difficult to keep up my art. Ive been sketching and drawing but not for myself. So in an attempt to get back to it, I tried digital art on my iPad. I used Adobe Draw with my Apple Pencil. I can definitely say now that the pencil works seamlessly with the iPad and I really enjoyed the whole process. Now, keep in mind this is my first attempt so don't judge too hard! 

This is the image I based it off of; definitely one of my favorite photographs (taken by Steve McCurry)



I began with an initial sketch and then experimented with a couple brushes to get a feel of the app.

Initial Sketch

Yeah, I know, its a very very rough sketch but it served as a baseline for laying down the color. I struggled with the proportions as I had the picture printed (old-school) next to my Ipad and was trying to sketch, but I think in the end, I did it justice.

The final piece 

So, there you go. My first attempt. I don't have too many positive things to say about the final piece but, hopefully, that's because Im really not used to it. Maybe this will become my primary medium some day in the very very distant future. But right now, everything about this was a struggle. I don't even feel comfortable sketching yet. 

If you have any tips, comment below!
